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2000.01 에이스정밀 설립
Established the ACE PRECISION
2000.05 (주)코핸즈 업체등록 (PISTON, CRANK, CONNECTING ROD외)
Registered the KOHANDS company vendor
2000.09 ISO 9002 품질보증시스템 인증취득 (국제표준원)
ISO 9002 Quality Assurance System Certificated
2001.06 한국선급 제조업승인 (KR)
Registered of Korea Shipping approval manufacturers
2001.12 실용신안등록(선박용 엔진의 피스톤 구조)
Registered Utility Model Patent(The structure of the piston marine engine)
2002.08 실용신안등록(콤프레서용 엔진의 피스톤 구조)
Registered Utility Model Patent(The structure of the piston compressor engine)
2002.08 실용신안등록(콤프레서 엔진의 피스톤 윤활구조)
Registered Utility Model Patent(The lubrication structure of the piston compressor engine)
2003.03 실용신안등록(선박용 엔진의 배기 정화장치)
Registered Utility Model Patent(Marine engine exhaust purification device)
2003.09 ISO 9001 규격인증
ISO 9001 Certificated
2004.06 S&T(주) 업체 등록
Registered the S&T Motors Co.,Ltd vendor
2006.03 센트랄(주) 업체 등록
Registered the Central Co.,Ltd vendor
2006.10 IRAN KTP사와 기술지도 계약체결
Technical assistance agreement signed with IRAN KTP Inc.
2007.07 대동공업(주) 협력업체
Registered the DAEDONG INDUSTRIAL Co.,LTD vendor
2007.09 환경기술 법정교육 이수
Complete Environmental Technology Legal Education
2007.09 벤처기업 등록
Registered Venture Company
2008.02 TS16949 인증
TS16949 Certificated
2011.02 ISO/TS 16949 (QM SYSTEM) 규격 인증
ISO/TS 16949 (QM SYSTEM) Certificated
2011.10 INOBIZ 갱신
Renewal INOBIZ
2014.02 TS16949 갱신
Renewal TS16949
2018.09 케이맥스 APC (ACE PISTON) 서울사무소 개소
Established the APC (ACE PISTON) SEOUL OFFICE with K-MAX

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